The Great Neck Board of Education continues its long-standing practice of providing Community Education courses at the Great Neck Social Center. The Senior Center is responsible for processing all registrations. Enrollment is limited to those 60 and over. In an effort to serve everyone equitably, classes at the Center are monitored throughout the semester to ensure that all participants are properly registered.
Participation in Adult Ed activities is at your own risk. If you are enrolling in physically active courses, check with your physician beforehand to make certain these courses are appropriate. Social Center does not assume liability for injury, damages, loss, or accidents in Adult Ed courses. Proficiency is required in some classes. Placement in a course is at the discretion of the instructor.
Registrants will be notified only if the course has been cancelled. If there is insufficient enrollment the class will be cancelled. Early registration is essential to ensure that classes will run. There is a $5 fee for anyone who does not register 3 business days before class starts. There will be no refunds unless we cancel the course. A makeup class is offered (where possible) if a class is cancelled. It is not always possible to have a makeup (it cannot be used for the next session).
Resident Fees: There is a processing fee of $40 for each “Session” of each course (e.g., Session I, II, etc.). Priority is given to Great Neck School District residents within the first 10 days of registration. School district residents should register by mail. Please send the required fee of $40 for each “Session” of each course by check (payable to Great Neck Senior Center). The $40 will be retained by the Social Center as an administration fee. Please return completed form and fees to: Great Neck Social Center, 80 Grace Avenue, Great Neck, N.Y. 11021. Registrations will be processed according to postmark.
Nonresident Fees: Nonresidents should register by mail. Nonresidents will be admitted only if space is available. Please send the required fee of $65 for each “Session” of each course by check (payable to Great Neck Social Center). $40 will be retained by the Social Center as an administration fee and $25 will be forwarded to the Great Neck Public Schools as a return to its taxpayers. Please return completed form and fees to: Great Neck Social Center, 80 Grace Avenue, Great Neck, N.Y. 11021. Nonresident registrations will be processed by postmark after first 10 days of registration.